Change Partners
Our Change Partners are a group of experienced improvement and change experts. They are embedded across Cardiff and Vale UHB and are here to help you make change happen. They are each assigned to one of Cardiff and Vale UHB's Clinical Boards.
What are Change Partners?
They are a single point of contact to act as a conduit between the Shaping Change function and clinical boards to identify immediate priority-led, change support needs and create ongoing local capability. Match need against service directory and either directly support, arrange training or sign-post to other support services.
What Change Partners offer
A single point of contact into a range of change support services; coordination of those services to support clinical board delivery of priorities.
Identification of what is needed to create internal capability to deliver improved services.
Improvement in the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of those delivering projects and programmes.
Through good governance and reporting, instilling an organisational culture of excellence and professionalism in programme and project management that delivers successful outcomes.
Encourage and enable clinical board staff to create and make improvements.
A selection of those services that best meet the need of the patients and other beneficiaries, deliver against priorities and make best use of time, effort and other resources.
Support to create change communities that enable effective improvement activities to the benefit of patients and staff.
Our Change Partners
Kate Blower
Clinical Diagnostics and Therapies Clinical Board
Service Improvement Manager
Molly Baker
Medicine Clinical Board
Service Improvement Manager
Katie Griffiths
Mental Health Clinical Board
Service Improvement Manager
Lisa Williams
Primary, Community and Intermediate Care Clinical Board
Service Improvement Manager
Lee McQuaide
Specialist Services Clinical Board
Service Improvement Manager
Sue Hostler
Surgery Clinical Board
Change Hub Portfolio Manager
Jade Barber
Women and Children Clinical Board
Project Manager