Expanding the Inpatient Heart Failure CNS Service: A Value-Based Healthcare Approach
Cardiff and Vale’s Heart Failure service at UHW faced a significant challenge: the single inpatient HF Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) was unable to meet the increasing demand for care. Considerable pressure on the hospital clinic and the small number of staff led to delays in patient care and poor outcomes. Shaping Change and Value in Health sought out ways to reshape the service in order to deliver value for patients using it’s current resources.
IQ Endoscopes progresses to Phase Three of the Endoscopy Challenge
IQ Endoscopes are moving forward to Phase Three of the Endoscopy Challenge, with a budget of £260k for enhanced testing of their prototype. The challenge is funded by the CCR Challenge Fund and led by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s (CAV UHB) Shaping Change team.

Catalysing transformation in the ED stores
The Emergency Department (ED) at University Hospital Wales is a bustling hub of activity, handling approximately 450 patients daily. Recent changes, including increased patient volume, staff turnover, and footprint moves, had highlighted inefficiencies in their stock management processes. Shaping Change stepped into support the team in addressing the problem.

C4 Stroke Ward's Journey to Bronze Accreditation
Ward C4 Stroke is making significant strides toward earning the Bronze Award through the Ward Accreditation and Improvement Programme—a key initiative within the Health Board aimed at embedding excellence, eradicating avoidable harm and cultivating a supportive and high-performing culture within our teams.

Value tracker to enable patient-centred value-based and sustainable care gets awarded Q Exchange Funding
Q Exchange offers Q members the chance to develop project ideas and submit bids for up to £40,000 of funding. This year, Cardiff and Vale UHB’s Value Team have been awarded funding for their project.

Transformative projects shortlisted for Q Exchange
We're thrilled to announce that two fantastic projects spearheaded by teams within Cardiff and Vale UHB's Shaping Change initiative have been shortlisted for the prestigious Q Exchange funding programme!

Emma’s Story - 200 Minutes Back
Emma Powderhill is the Ward Manager for Cedar Ward at University Hospital Llandough. She has recently completed 200 Minutes Back, an improvement programme created by Shaping Change.

Immunophenotyping team engage in improvement workshop with the aim to reduce turnaround times of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia test
The Immunophenotyping team, based at University Hospital Wales, provide and interpret clinically relevant information for the diagnosis, management, early detection and prevention of diseases such as Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML), through analysis of a laboratory investigation.

Meet the Team: Sue Hostler
Sue is The Change Hub’s Portfolio Manager. The Change Hub are one of the three functions of Shaping Change, delivering Cardiff and Vale UHB's strategic priorities. They are a team of skilled, experienced, change management experts, who facilitate and accelerate large-scale transformation.

Occupational Therapy Improvement Practitioner Course
This course will provide you with the skills, knowledge and experience to begin recognising the processes you work within in your service and how they can be improved.

Shaping Change plays key role in delivering STAMP
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB) has implemented a new platform called STAMP (System for Tracking and Managing Patients) to streamline the process of tracking patients' hospital stays.

Winter Newsletter
Shaping Change are pleased to share with you the release of our most recent newsletter The Check Up.

September Newsletter
Since our last newsletter, many of our improvement and innovation projects have advanced and are showing signs of success.

New outpatient management pathways at save estimated £1.3m
Shaping Change at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB) is currently undertaking a 100-working day sprint challenge, Empowering Outpatients, to increase the number of outpatients placed onto See-on-Symptoms (SOS) and Patient-Initiated Follow-up (PIFU) pathways.

CanSense and IQ Endoscopes move forward to Phase Two of Endoscopy Challenge
Wales-based companies CanSense and IQ Endoscopes have progressed to Phase Two of the Endoscopy Challenge, which aims to accelerate the delivery of endoscopy procedures and reduce waiting times for patients.