End of life board game provides an innovative solution to palliative care training at Cardiff and Vale UHB
Bedrace is an educational board game that encourages staff to discuss and explore palliative and end of life care.

Shaping Change Innovation Team help launch virtual reality education lab at UHW for Cardiff University Students
A new virtual reality lab has been installed at University Hospital Wales to enhance learning for health and social care students at Cardiff University. Shaping Change Innovation Team at Cardiff and Vale UHB have enabled and supported project delivery by sourcing £85K from Welsh Government.

Innovation Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting (IMDT) reintroduced by Innovation Team
Our innovation team are focused on achieving innovative solutions for our health and care services within Cardiff and Vale UHB with the IMDT.

Why do we need inclusion in innovation?
Zoe Hilton, Innovation Program Manager at Shaping Change, Cardiff and Vale UHB outlines why great ideas and innovations can come from anyone and should be for everyone.